Social Studies

Native American Research Project

Now that we are experts at finding the main idea and supporting details, we are ready to use our skills for researching! You will work with a small group to research and learn about one specific Native American tribe. Your group is responsible for learning about all of the common traits that we learned are found in different cultures: food, clothing, housing, customs, and beliefs. As a group you will write a research report in class and make a presentation to show your classmates what you've learned.

Look below for information regarding your tribe.

Pomo Tribe Shasta Tribe Mojave Tribe

Information 1 Information 1 Information 1

Information 2 Information 2 Information 2

Chumash Tribe Yokut Tribe

Information 1 Information 1

Information 2 Information 2

You are welcome to search for other information on the internet regarding your tribe. Be sure to put the name of your tribe in the search bar and then type "for kids" afterward. This will help to make sure you get a website that is easy enough for you to read and understand. Example: "Pomo Tribe for Kids"